samedi 2 août 2014

Self-esteem Elevation For Children Coaching Certification
As low self-esteem develops, children tend to be difficult but most parents waive it off as an essential ingredient of growing up. "Its the age" they murmur, and leave it at that. The economic compulsions being what they are today, parents tend to work long hours and often find themselves overly occupied or too tired to give their children the attention they deserve. So, it is not unusual that after a stressful day at school, most children have no one to relate to. Add to this, broken homes or abusive parents and it is not long before these children recede into a state of total disbelief in themselves.
Mayo Clinic, USA, describes self-esteem as your overall opinion of yourself - how you honestly feel about your abilities and limitations. In other words it is all about how you value yourself. Yet, your assessment of yourself may not necessarily be right or permanent; your beliefs about yourself can change depending on circumstances and personal experiences. When you are consistently told that you are worthy, and important, you begin to feel good about yourself. Conversely, if people do not accept you for who you are or how you feel, your self-evaluation will take a downturn.
Sadly, this injury to one's self-esteem which develops during childhood becomes the cause of many psychological issues that people struggle to cope up with, in later years. Based on studies, past and present, there is enough evidence that there is a deep-rooted connection between low self-esteem and the onset of psychiatric disorders. At least 20% of all teenagers will experience depression before they reach adulthood.
Since low self-esteem is a thinking disorder that leaves one feeling hopelessly inadequate it is not surprising that at least 70% of girls between the ages of 15 and 17 avoid attending school because they feel bad about their looks. Besides, these girls are four times more likely to indulge in activities with boys which they will end up regretting later. 40% boys in high school have been reported using protein supplements while 6% of these have also used steroids. When children begin to hate themselves they rarely choose friends who are markedly different from them so they never get to improve on their self-belief.
One internationally renowned expert points out that all challenges that we face as adults on a day-to-day basis, have their roots entrenched in deficient self-esteem in certain key areas of life. Recent studies have shown that at least 85% people suffer from some degree of diminished self-esteem. It is no exaggeration then, that no more than 15% of the people can enjoy their chosen lifestyle.
Are you aware there are self-esteem elevation courses for children designed to make learning easy and affordable from your own home. See how well they work for you. Besides, if you have 3-4 weeks to spare, you could train yourself to be a personal reinvention coach in self-esteem, with due certification, at no extra cost to you. And not only will you find yourself guiding those who need your help, you will find yourself at the threshold of a rewarding and satisfying new career.
After retiring as a captain with an international airline, R.P.Bhalla spent ten years in the research and study of Social Sciences and Health and Wellness. A social worker and wildlife enthusiast, he writes extensively on Family, Health and Money matters.
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